Get a step ahead of your competitors by creating an unbeatable customer...
= Competitive Valuable Businesses
In today’s competitive business world, organizations are looking for ways to get more out of their current applications and systems while adopting new technologies. Too often, businesses use multiple systems that don’t talk to each other. Data that is carefully entered into the CRM system by the sales team never makes it to the project management system. And, that system doesn’t talk to the accounting system. Or, revenue forecasts aren't tied to production planning and inventory levels, requiring a business owner to run the business from a spreadsheet. Or, your ERP may not talk to the system your customers use to submit orders–and on the back end, it may not talk to the system you use to place orders with your suppliers.
Extending your workflows out to your customers, suppliers and partners is simply good business. Integrating systems can significantly reduce your cost, drive more business and build significant loyalty among your business ecosystem.
Application Integrations are truly an art form. Many companies look only at the technical aspects which are important to be sure but they miss the key ingredients which is “why” are you doing it and what are the outcomes you are trying to achieve? At DHx, we approach projects with the outcome in mind coupled with the benefits of going through the process and not simply looking at how it can be technically done.
DHx has helped customers reduce cost and improve business results by improving workflows, integrating systems and building robust reporting tools that provid2 valuable visibility into their data and information. DHx has significant experience in connecting with all kinds of systems including Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle systems, SAP, NetSuite, Sage and Sage 300, IBM AS400 systems, Lotus Notes and more.
- Do you have costly human interactions between your systems?
- Are you still handling your orders manually?
- Do you have time lapses communicating with your customers and vendors?
- Are there ways to lock in pricing by providing visibility into your supply chain?
- Can you improve your competitive advantages by electronically connecting with your ecosystem?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes–we should talk.